If you are an allergy sufferer, then you have no doubt had days that you’ve woken up wondering if you should take extra precautions because of a high pollen count…except you don’t know what the pollen count is. Or, perhaps you know exactly what symptoms you’d like to discuss with your allergist at your next appointment…until you get in the office and can’t remember what they were.
With the AllergyManager App from iTunes, these problems are a thing of the past. Find out pollen counts in seconds, track your symptoms right from your iPhone, and even get reminders for your prescription refills. If you have allergies, this app is for you.
And if you are looking for more ways to reduce your allergy symptoms, then contact us here at Environmental Doctor
in Dayton. We offer mold test and remediation, duct cleaning, and HVAC service to help keep the allergens at bay.